Thursday, April 15, 2010

Family Theatre

Linus is having a bath, and plays with his plastic fishes in the water.
(Juanmi enters)

Juanmi: Linus, I think you need to wash your hair, it has been a long time since you last did.

Linus: No, my head no... nooo.

J: Yes, I know you don't like to get your head wet, but I really think you have to. Your hair is getting all tangled and you are getting rastas, see? All messed up.

L: Nooooooo...

J: OK, what do you think of this: you go on playing for a while and then we come back and wash your hair very carefully?

L: Yes, yes.

(Juanmi knows, but leaves)

(5 minutes later, Juanmi enters)

J: Okeeey, time to wash the haaair.

L: Nononono.

J: Yes, yes, yes. Come on, we arranged it so.

L: Noooooooooo!!!

J: Linus, yes. It will get very messy otherwise. Put your head like me, like this, backwards, and I wash your head very...

L: Noooooo!!

J: Linuksele, there is no choice today. We gotta wash it or cut it.

L: (ponders and finally gives in) OK.

J: Good.

L: Cut it.

J: Yes, like th... what? Cut it? We cut it? We cut your hair?

L: Yes, cut it.

J: Aahmm... (exchanges looks with Veronika, Veronika shrugs)

J: Okey, let's cut it then. Sure?

L: (Totally cool) Yes.

(The hair proceeds to be cut and while Juanmi tries to prevent that Jaana swallows Linus' golden curls, he thinks that he has learnt two precious things: a good lesson about ultimatums, and that his son is a punk at heart).


  1. -:') Rabo! Really i can see the sceene JM.

    This is my Dude, and this is a present for him, Let him listen it dady...

  2. Oh nooooo. Breaks my heart when little boys want to get rid of their golden curls! I wish they stayed long-haired and beautiful until the end of time!

    (I still haven't gotten over Arttu getting his hair cut. Plus his reason was so sad: they had called him a girl at daycare. Oh I miss those golden locks. I know his decisions are his own, but still.)

    I like Linus' attitude, though. :)
